Promise Message

Jesus, The Prince of Peace

“I leave peace with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Today, we find ourselves in a world where peace seems elusive. Whether at work, in business, or in the lives of our children, peace has become a rare commodity. Even a single mark lost in an exam can shatter our children’s peace, leading to confusion, stress, and even thoughts of despair. A mere headache can disturb the peace within a household, causing turmoil.

But why is this so? It is because true peace has not yet taken root in our hearts. Divine peace has yet to reign within us. Seeing us in this state of unrest, Jesus Christ calls out, “My dear children! I give you My peace, the peace of God.”

What kind of peace does Jesus offer?

When Jesus was on a boat with His disciples, a severe storm arose, and the waves threatened to engulf the boat. Yet Jesus slept peacefully amidst the chaos. The disciples, in their panic, woke Him up. Jesus saw the storm and the raging sea, but He was not afraid. He asked them, “Why are you afraid? Where is your faith?” Then He commanded, “Peace, be still!” and the sea became calm. While everyone else trembled in fear, Jesus stood serenely and asked, “Why are you afraid?” This is the peace that Jesus possesses. He came into this world to bestow the same peace upon us.

If Jesus came to grant us peace, why then do we lack it in our hearts? Why is there no peace within our families? We constantly witness a world devoid of peace. What is it that disrupts our peace?


Some hidden sin may be tarnishing your heart, or perhaps an ongoing sin is stealing your peace today. The Bible says, “There is no peace for the wicked” (Isaiah 57:21).

During Jesus’ time on earth, a sinful woman fell at His feet, weeping (Luke 7:37–50). She washed His feet with her tears. She remained silent, and without words, her heart shattered and brimming with sorrow. She was a woman so engulfed in sin that people wondered how she could dare to touch Jesus. But His gaze pierced through her,


“And He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (Mark 5:34). This woman had suffered greatly for twelve long years from an illness known as flow of blood, which left her frail and without peace. When sickness strikes, peace is often the first casualty, affecting not just the individual but the entire family.

Yet Jesus looks at you and says, “I will heal you and fill you with peace.” No matter the ailment, He has the power to change your circumstances. All you need to do is believe that “Jesus will perform a miracle for me.”


“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you’ (John 20:19). Fear had shattered their peace. They were terrified, locking themselves inside, fearing the Jewish leaders who had crucified Jesus.

“If they could kill Jesus, what will they do to us?” they wondered, gripped by the fear of death and the uncertainty of their future. But when the resurrected Jesus appeared and said, “Peace be with you; why are you afraid? I am alive,” their fear vanished, and their hearts were filled with peace and joy.

Dear ones, is something causing fear in your heart today? Is it a fear of wicked people, a fear of death, a fear of the future, a fear of unmet needs, a fear of debt, or a fear of circumstances? Is fear tormenting your heart and robbing you of your peace? Jesus says, “I leave My peace with you.” When this divine peace enters our hearts, no storm or wind, no matter how fierce, can disturb our inner calm. Why should we fear? Why should we be troubled? Why should we lament? Jesus is with us, isn’t He?